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AWS releases ML based observability service

AWS releases ML based observability service

The new service is now generally available – six months after its launch preview.

This week Amazon Web Services announced the general availability of Amazon DevOps Guru. This is a ML-driven operations service that uses machine learning to make it easier for developers to improve application availability. Amazon says it does this by automatically detecting operational issues and recommending specific actions for remediation.

AWS Chief Executive Andy Jassy announced Amazon DevOps Guru in December during the virtual AWS re:Invent 2020 event. At that time he said that the new service relies on machine learning “informed” by years of operational data from the company’s own applications and services.

The service aims to complement Amazon CodeGuru, which AWS launched in 2019. CodeGuru helps developers find issues in their code before they deploy it. DevOps Guru does much the same for applications that are already up and running.

How it works

Amazon DevOps Guru applies machine learning to automatically analyze data like application metrics, logs, events, and traces for behaviors that deviate from normal operating patterns.

When Amazon DevOps Guru identifies anomalous application behavior that could cause potential outages or service disruptions, it alerts developers with issue details. TYhis helps them quickly understand the potential impact and likely causes of the issue, with specific recommendations for remediation.

Developers can use remediation suggestions from Amazon DevOps Guru to reduce time to resolution when issues arise and improve application availability—all with no manual setup or machine learning expertise required.

“Swami Sivasubramanian, Vice President, Amazon Machine Learning, AWS, introduced the new offering. “With Amazon DevOps Guru, we have taken that expertise and built specialized machine learning models to detect, troubleshoot, and prevent operational issues long before they impact customers and without dealing with cold starts each time an issue arises. Amazon DevOps Guru immediately provides customers the benefits of operational best practices we have learned running Amazon.com, and we designed Amazon DevOps Guru to be so simple that turning it on would be an easy choice for every AWS customer.”

There are no upfront costs or commitments with Amazon DevOps Guru, and customers pay only for the data Amazon DevOps Guru analyzes.