Former ASML-CEO Meurice joins Intel’s Board of Directors

Former ASML-CEO Meurice joins Intel’s Board of Directors

Former ASML CEO Eric Meurice has joined Intel as a member of its board of directors. Steve Sanghi, Microchip’s interim CEO, is also taking a seat on the board as an independent commissioner. Their expertise should help bring greater efficiency and profitability to the chip giant.

Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger recently stepped down unexpectedly, and the chip giant is diligently searching for a new CEO. He or she will need to bring calm to the company and end its swerving strategic direction.

Two former CEOs on board of directors

To help management, Intel has, therefore, now added two experienced (former) CEOs to its Board of Directors. One old acquaintance is Eric Meurice, CEO of Dutch chip manufacturing giant ASML between 2004 and 2013.

During his time on the board, Meurice managed the difficult development of EUV technology and ASML’s increasing competitive edge. As a result, his successor, Peter Wennink, who stepped down this year, was able to further develop the manufacturer of chip-making machines into the absolute market leader of today.

Microchip’s interim CEO, Steve Sanghi, will also bring a lot of experience when it comes to chip development and manufacturing. He managed to boost Microchip’s value from $10 million to $44 billion over the past 30 years.

Twee mannen staan naast elkaar afgebeeld tegen een blauwe achtergrond. De man links, met kort wit haar en een baard, draagt een lichtblauw shirt. Rechts van hem staat een andere man met donker haar, keurig gekleed in een donker colbert met Intel-logo.

Eric Maurice (left) and Steve Sanghi (right)

Experience counts heavily

According to Intel, both men’s deep technical knowledge, leadership experience, and strong operational expertise should bring much value to the chip giant, especially when it comes to providing valuable insights on customer priorities for the Intel Products and Foundry divisions.

The search for a new CEO continues. Meanwhile, CFO David Zinsner and CEO Michelle Johnston Holthaus of the Intel Products division are assuming this role.

Also read: Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger leaves Intel: why, and what does that mean?