Self-propelled cars will also have to take a driving test later on.

Self-propelled cars will also have to take a driving test later on.

If self-propelled cars are allowed on the road, they will have to obtain a driving licence just like everyone else. That autonomous vehicle will then receive the Software driving licence, abbreviated as driving licence S. For owners of autonomous vehicles there may also be a separate and additional exam.

The Central Bureau for Driving Proficiency Licences (CBR) contrasts this with the AD. Together with the road traffic service RDW and RobotTuner, a Wageningen-based agency engaged in the development of artificial intelligence in traffic, it is working on guidelines to ensure that the arrival of autonomous vehicles on Dutch roads is properly managed.

Autonomous driving test

First and foremost, a practical test should be required to get an autonomous vehicle on the road. In this way you can be sure that a vehicle can go on the road without there being an extra high risk of accidents. This driving test should focus, among other things, on driving skills, but also on the technology in the car and the software that processes the traffic data.

The CPC is in favour of a national driving licence in the first place, but this should be developed in the second place in an international context. It should also be considered whether the owner of an autonomous vehicle also has to take a special exam, for example to see whether he can intervene properly if necessary.

The CBR, RWD and RobotTuner are currently working on a legal framework to assess the reliability and safety of autonomous vehicles. Today a special congress will be held to make more clear about this project.

This news article was automatically translated from Dutch to give a head start. All news articles after September 1, 2019 are written in native English and NOT translated. All our background stories are written in native English as well. For more information read our launch article.