2 min Security

NetApp gives its hybrid cloud environment Blue XP security upgrades

NetApp gives its hybrid cloud environment Blue XP security upgrades

NetApp recently added new security features for its cloud-based NetApp BlueXP management solution for hybrid cloud environments. These should further protect all data within these environments, as well as for on-prem environments, from cyber threats.

The additional security features implemented in NetApp BlueXP should provide even more secure data storage, according to NetApp. This has only become more important as threats such as ransomware increasingly impact enterprises’ hybrid and distributed data infrastructures.

Among the new features focus on simplified backup and recovery capabilities and more data protection capabilities for multiple (multi-cloud) environments. Also, the updates should allow customers to more easily “deploy” data in highly secure environments, such as government environments, with consistent operational management.

This should ultimately ensure that end users get the same user experience everywhere for every application.

Specific features

Among other features, the functionality allows NetApp BlueXP backup and recovery to make it easier to apply custom backup strategies on a workload-by-workload basis through a single management environment.

Also, this backup functionality is now extended to more types of workloads, such as support for various database environments in various cloud environments. This, however, is on the condition that either NetApp software-defined storage or proprietary hyperscalers storage options are used for this purpose. Consider Oracle databases on Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP.

Different government editions

New security functionality has also been introduced at the deployment level. These include new ‘limited’ versions of NetApp BlueXP, often aimed at the U.S. government, with the underlying storage and data services, which can be implemented in highly secure and sensitive environments. Examples include government environments or so-called “dark sites” without Internet connections to the outside world.

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