2 min Security

Phishing attacks increased by 667 percent after corona virus outbreak

Phishing attacks increased by 667 percent after corona virus outbreak

According to researchers from various cyber firms, people who work from home because of the corona virus are much more often the target of phishing campaigns. According to Barracuda Networks, the number of reported phishing emails has increased by almost seven hundred percent in one month.

At the beginning of this year, the number of phishing emails with a corona-related subject was 137, with a significant increase to 1188 one month later. In March, that number increased to more than 9000, which is about 667 percent more than one month earlier.


Not only do the hackers in the e-mails present themselves as services often used by people working from home (such as One Drive), but the World Health Organization is also imitated and emails have been found that tell users that they are contacting on behalf of a charity. Users are then asked to contribute to the fight against the virus, but in reality hackers try to illegally acquire data.

Despite the increase in phishing mails with a corona theme, the percentage is relatively small on an overall basis. Only two percent of all email attacks (over the whole of March, Barracuda identified over 450,000) involve corona. The goal of all these campaigns is the same: to capture users’ login details.