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Organizations worldwide see a sharp increase in the frequency of cyberattacks. Meanwhile, combating threats is becoming increasingly difficult, as security talent is both scarce and difficult to retain.

This is the conclusion of a recent survey by Splunk. Almost half of the respondents dealt with a cyberattack in the past two years. Ransomware attacks scored particularly high. In addition, about one-third of the respondents faced critical problems, such as losing system access and company data. Just over half of the respondents said their business-critical applications face monthly downtime or malfunctions as a result of cyberattacks.

Splunk notes that organizations are fearful of both ransomware and supply chain attacks. Vulnerabilities in third-party apps and the infrastructures of partners can cause serious incidents, as exemplified by the SolarWinds attack, among others.

These attacks caused an average application downtime of 14 hours. The cost of restoring damage and malfunctions averaged $200,000 (over €184,000).

War for talent

Another major challenge is the war for talent. Most respondents find it extremely difficult to find sufficiently qualified security personnel. More than half of the organizations indicate that one or more projects failed due to a lack of talent.

In addition, organizations also have difficulty retaining security personnel. Many security specialists work under great pressure, often taking on responsibilities for which they are not ready.

Tip: Ransomware is an APT, so you should treat it as such