Everything there is to find on tag: DMaaS.
Cohesity and Microsoft expand partnership: ChatGPT meets data security
Microsoft and Cohesity greatly expand collaboration. Deeper integrations between the two parties' portfolios,...
Everything there is to find on tag: DMaaS.
Microsoft and Cohesity greatly expand collaboration. Deeper integrations between the two parties' portfolios,...
A mediocre security posture is often not the result of unwillingness, but of human error. With Security Advis...
Cohesity has been focusing strongly on 'as-a-service', also towards the future. During the first edition of C...
In October last year Cohesity announced a close collaboration with AWS. Data Management-as-a-Service (DMaaS) ...
New SaaS offerings deliver Data Management as a Service and provide increased flexibility. Cohesity has an...
Cohesity will use Amazon's Cloud services to offer customers a dynamic DMaaS solution. Cohesity announced ...