Everything there is to find on tag: KPN.

KPN may acquire Dutch provider Youfone
The Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) has approved KPN's acquisition of Youfone. According to the com...
Everything there is to find on tag: KPN.
The Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) has approved KPN's acquisition of Youfone. According to the com...
The price of broadband Internet via the satellite system Starlink is falling so fast that it may become a com...
A US jury has ruled in favour of KPN in a patent case against Samsung. The smartphone maker failed to pay $28...
In the third quarter of 2023, data consumption on mobile reached 558 million gigabytes, the highest quarterly...
CloudTalk has raised 26 million euros from investment companies for further growth and innovation. KPN Ventur...
KPN will demonstrate a new service that advances the use of commercial drones in the Netherlands at Amsterdam...
KPN Health has acquired Open HealthHub's medical data exchange service. KPN is looking to acquire and prov...
KPN has rejected takeover bids from two different parties. Both a consortium of EQT and Stonepeak Infrastruct...
GTT is working hard to become one of the largest SD-WAN suppliers in the world. It's not doing this by develo...
KPN has started to shut down most ISDN lines. ISDN was introduced almost thirty years ago and made it possible...