Google’s generative AI assistant appears to be renamed Gemini. The name Bard would disappear.
Several clues surfaced, including in code for the Google Assistant app and on X. Bard was Google’s response to the introduction of OpenAI’s first version of ChatGPT. Soon, “Gemini” appears to replace everything currently referred to as “Bard,” both for mobile devices and web services that use Google’s generative AI technology.
In recent times, Google still named generative AI solutions Bard, such as with the introduction of the Pixel 8 smartphone in the last quarter of last year and as recently as early January of this year. Why exactly Google would carry out this rebranding of its generative AI solutions is not known. The tech giant likely wants to consolidate all these activities under one name.
Different Gemini LLMs
First, within this range, Gemini is the name for the portfolio of underlying LLMs—these range from the device-based “simple” Gemini Nano model to the most powerful Gemini Ultra model.
The current Bard runs on Gemini Pro, while the upcoming upgrade Bard Advanced will be renamed Gemini Advanced. The Gemini Advanced upgrade runs on the Gemini Ultra model.