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Snowflake introduced the Unistore, a new workload that extends the capabilities of the Snowflake Data Platform and provides a modern approach to working with transactional and analytical data.

Unistore makes it easier to develop transactional applications with the Snowflake Data Cloud platform. It offers consistent governance, high performance and virtually unlimited scalability.

Traditionally, transactional and analytical data have been separated and are usually found in silos. This creates complexity when you want to use, combine or move the data across multiple systems. It also often slows down the development of modern applications. With Unistore, customers in the Data Cloud can also serve transactional data to applications.

Read also: What is Snowflake? And why is it so valuable?

As part of Unistore, Snowflake is also introducing hybrid tables, which provide fast single-row operations and allow customers to build their transactional business applications directly on the Snowflake platform. The hybrid tables are currently in a private preview, but should become available to everyone soon.

With hybrid tables, organisations should be able to get a holistic overview of all their data. Adobe is one of the early adopters of Unistore, this organisation has already gained the necessary experience with hybrid tables for the Adobe Campaigns application. According to Adobe, the speed and scalability are unprecedented for cross-channel campaign management.

Christian Kleinerman, senior vice president of product at Snowflake says about Unistore: “Unistore is the foundation for another wave of innovation in the Snowflake Data Cloud. Similar to how we redefined data lakes and data warehouses for our customers, Unistore is ushering in a renaissance of building and deploying a new generation of applications in the Data Cloud.”

Read also: Snowflake lets developers build and deploy applications on the Data Cloud