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Microsoft is replacing its AI assistent. Launched in 2015 as the star attraction of Windows 10, Cortana failed to maintain its shine and will now be retired from its last remaining stronghold within Windows.

Microsoft announced in a support document that it would no longer provide support for the Cortana app. Instead, the company encourages users to explore other AI-powered features. These are available through standalone apps or integrated within Windows and Microsoft Edge.

While Cortana will bid farewell to its Windows presence, it will continue to exist within Outlook Mobile. In addition, it can be found in various versions of Teams, including the widely used conferencing solution Teams Rooms.

The end was always coming

However, Cortana’s role within these platforms will be altered as Microsoft has rebranded its email summarization feature as Microsoft Viva. Understanding the impact this change may have on users, Microsoft expressed its commitment to ensuring a smooth transition to the new options.

The demise of Cortana can be attributed to the rise of other AI-infused services, such as Windows Copilot and Bing Chat services. Microsoft has deeply integrated these features into Edge Copilot and Microsoft 365 Copilot.

The fate of Cortana was written on the wall years ago when Microsoft began gradually phasing out its presence within the Windows shell, eventually transforming it into a separate app with limited functionality.

The landscape evolves

In 2020, Andrew Shuman, Microsoft’s corporate vice president in charge of Cortana, revealed that the pandemic and resource limitations hindered the development of Cortana.

As a result, Microsoft shifted its focus from positioning Cortana as a personal AI assistant to using it as a symbol of the company’s productivity-driven initiatives.

Once regarded as a groundbreaking and impressive feature, Cortana’s fall from grace is a testament to the ever-evolving landscape of technology. Now, she will join the ranks of other Microsoft consumer initiatives that have met a similar fate. Rest in peace, Cortana. Your time in the spotlight has come to an end.

Also read: This is what Windows Copilot will look like