CEO Sayta Nadella: Microsoft Teams has enough capacity

CEO Sayta Nadella: Microsoft Teams has enough capacity

In an interview with CNBC, Microsoft top executive Sayta Nadella discussed the problems Microsoft Teams had experienced in recent weeks. Due to the coronavirus, many more people are working from home and the app is used to hold far more online meetings than usual. This caused problems during the first few days.

Nadella acknowledges that there were problems with Microsoft Teams, but that they were quickly scaled up by employees of the tech giant and praises them for their work. The increase in the use of Microsoft applications since the outbreak of the virus is “unprecedented”, according to Nadella.

Users still report slight problems with the platform. For example, it is still not easy to see when someone is typing. In addition, many users complain about low resolution when making video calls.

Microsoft has also had to restrict certain Office 365 functionalities in order to cope with the increased demand. For example, OneNote’s attachments are limited to 100MB and SharePoint migrations are only made possible in the evening hours, to relieve the servers during working hours.

Despite the problems and limitations, according to Nadella, Microsoft has enough capacity to facilitate the increased usage in the coming period.