Cisco adds updates and integrations to Webex aimed at remote workers

Cisco adds updates and integrations to Webex aimed at remote workers

Cisco introduces new updates for Webex for people who work from home. According to Cisco, the updates are designed to make remote working more secure and efficient.

Cisco Systems announced several important updates to its Webex platform at the digital Cisco Live event, including more security and compliance tools and integration with Box’s cloud content management services.

The company adds more security capabilities to Webex and features such as data loss prevention retention, Legal Hold and eDiscovery are extended to Webex meetings. In addition, the company adds AES 256 Bit encryption to the platform to improve the protection of user data and to make sure the platform is more resistant to sabotage. Cisco is also tripling the capacity of the Webex platform to meet current demand.

Webex Assistant

Companies that return to the office can use Webex Assistant, a voice assistant that works on the companies’ conferencing tools. The idea behind Webex Assistant is that people in shared rooms do not have to touch the screen or touchpad during meetings as often as they did before the coronavirus. The voice assistant can also provide insight into the way conference rooms are used and analyse user data, so companies know what services and devices they need to invest in.

More integrations

The new integration with Box should help streamline workflows by adding an easy way to share files. A new form of healthcare is also being integrated within Webex via Epic Systems. This service makes it possible to communicate remotely with both patients and medical staff. Within Webex Teams, healthcare providers can video call their patients, view medical history and update medical records. Patients do not need to download new software.

Cisco SecureX platform

Cisco also announced that the new Cisco SecureX platform will be available on June 30th. SecureX is a security platform bundled with all Cisco Security products. With the new platform, users can manage their security more easily.

Tip: Cisco takes on Slack and Teams with WebEx