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Data management company BigID has announced the launch of its generative AI offering called BigAI. The tool should help users deal with data in a variety of ways.

BigID sees opportunities for generative artificial intelligence in data management. This includes, for example, labeling and clustering data to enable large-scale analysis. For humans, this can be monk’s work, where for AI it is easy to oversee.


The magic word of the promised feature set is “friendlier”. For instance, BigAI can give data tables and columns friendlier and clearer names to make analysis easier. In addition, it automatically generates friendly cluster titles to improve indexing and metadata searching.

Of course, like other companies applying generative AI to their offerings, BigID has brought a chatbot to life. BigChat can answer all kinds of complex questions about data management and related topics as needed. Like other companies, BigID presents this feature as a “personal assistant.” The chatbot is trained on BigID documentation.

CEO Dimitri Sirota raises high hopes for the new tool. “With BigAI, we’re giving our customers the power to unlock the full potential of their data environments. Whether you’re a CISO looking to secure your organization’s data or a data analyst searching for better insights, BigAI is the solution you need to take your data journey to the next level.”

According to BigID, the concept of BigAI includes “privacy by design”, because it consists only of the company’s own models and servers. Data is not shared with third parties. In this way, it immediately addresses the concerns that mostly surround generative AI about handling user data.

Also read: Generative AI: How can GPT-4 shape the corporate world?