Large enterprises plan to invest more in data protection over the next 12 months. When choosing an enterprise backup solution, reliability and the protection of cloud-hosted workloads (IaaS and SaaS) are prioritised.
This is according to research from Veeam. It is the second consecutive year that Veeam has found that reliability protection and IaaS and SaaS are the top priorities of large organizations. Reliability is considered most important by 17 per cent, while supporting IaaS or SaaS workloads is the top priority for 11 per cent of organizations.
What happens in 2024
“It is not a surprise that (improving) reliability and (better) protection of IaaS/SaaS are not only top of
mind but adjacent in the list, since it is well understood that using legacy backup methods to protect
modern workloads often results in unreliable or incomplete backups, thereby being unable to restore,” Veeam concludes.
Attributes that receive much lower priority when choosing a new backup solution are support for enterprise applications (for example, SAP or Oracle) and support for traditional data centre platforms (such as Unix or NAS). According to the survey, there is little priority there because virtually every backup solution offers that support.
Further, Veeam notes that 28 per cent of workloads in 2024 will run on physical servers in data centres. On the other hand, 27 per cent will run on virtual machines in data centres. The remaining 45 per cent will run as server instances in the cloud.
Tip: Veeam now offers Backup-as-a-Service for Microsoft 365 environments