Rubrik supports Amazon S3 Object Lock, disarms ransomware attacks

Rubrik supports Amazon S3 Object Lock, disarms ransomware attacks

Rubrik introduces support for Amazon S3 Object Lock in its Zero Trust Security platform. Organizations that use the platform to arrange backups have an additional layer of security at their disposal.

Rubrik develops a platform for backups. Its primary purpose is twofold. First of all, the platform enables users to configure, automate and manage the backups of data in a diverse business environment from a central point. Secondly, the developer aims to provide more robust backup security than cloud vendors and other developers allow.

Central to both components is the integration of third-party solutions. Rubrik has agreements with several major cloud vendors, including Amazon and Microsoft. Thus, Rubrik is able to provide a wide range of enterprise environments with a suitable storage substrate for backups. Backups of workloads in AWS are logically more effectively housed in a storage layer from Amazon than a storage layer from Microsoft — and vice versa. Moreover, broad support is necessary: many organizations run applications and workloads spread across multiple cloud environments.

In addition, Rubrik takes care of integrating vendor-specific security measures. Its focus is the strongest possible security portfolio. In this light, the introduction of support for Amazon S3 Object Lock should come as no surprise.

Amazon S3 Object Lock in Rubrik

The latter solution was introduced by Amazon in 2019 to, among other things, throw a spanner in the works of ransomware attackers. Its name exposes its function: Object Lock locks down data. The option can be used when storing data in Amazon S3 to make the data untouchable temporarily or indefinitely. As a result, the data cannot be modified or deleted by anyone — authorized or unauthorized.

Object Lock is a highly effective, comprehensive security measure against ransomware. If attackers manage to get a foot in the door of a business environment, their first-next priority is to break into the backup environment. After all, that’s frequently the only salvation a victim has. If the attacker proceeds to stumble into an environment locked down with Object Lack, the assault is disarmed.

The support for Object Lock in Rubrik’s platform is a welcome addition for organizations that use Rubrik in conjunction with storage from Amazon.

Tip: Rubrik introduces Ransomware Recovery Warranty