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Google rolls out Flutter version 2.5, updates in Dart and Material You

Google rolls out Flutter version 2.5, updates in Dart and Material You

Google has announced the latest Flutter SDK version 2.5 update. The upgrade features improvements in Dart 2.14, Widget Inspector, and Material You widgets.

Updates in Dart 2.14

The improvements in the Dart 2.14 are focused on formatting and pub support. The latest updates also added an advanced language feature that improves user experience. The advancement in formatting includes an upgrade to the cascades feature. This enables developers to perform multiple tasks on the same object.

Advancement has been made to the Dart 2.14 pub command as well. Now, developers can use the .pubignore file, which highlights and separates the confidential files that are not supposed to be uploaded to pub dev during the publishing stage.

‘Material You’ specification support

Flutter 2.5 introduced support to Material You, along with announcing new widgets. The most prominent changes include alteration in sizes of Floating Action buttons and theming and the introduction of MaterialState.scrolledUnder state.

DevTools update

The new update allows Flutter to identify similarities between trace events with specific frames. This will empower developers to highlight the cost overrun causes for certain frames. Due to this, they will be able to detect low-quality of shader compilations in applications.

Update in Widget Inspector

Developers are now able to evaluate objects and review the properties and states of widgets. To explore these properties, the widget would need to be selected, which, in turn, would open the Widget Inspector Console.

Improvements in memory in Flutter engine

The new update reduced the likelihood of encountering animation glitches and problems caused by low memory. The Flutter engine does not force frequent garbage collection prompts during the animation cycles, thus taking up less computation power.

Improvements in the framework

Flutter 2.5 upgrade also fixed several problems concerning full-screen modes. With this, developers can write code that facilitates redirection to full-screen mode on the right occasions. This ultimately improves the user experience.

From improvements in Flutter engine memory to simplifying animation integration, the latest flutter update has introduced several solutions for developers.