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Android now archives apps for more storage space

Android now archives apps for more storage space

Android will be capable of archiving apps and data to free up storage space. The update is expected later this year. In preparation, the Android team released version 1.10 of the Bundletool for developers.

Discarding apps is the most effective way of freeing up storage space. In the process, underlying data is permanently removed from a device. Since users often reinstall apps at a later time, the process is far from convenient.

Android developers have addressed the problem by launching Bundletool v1.10. The tool ensures that some app segments are archived when uninstalling. Archived apps can be reinstalled quickly, without taking up storage space. According to the dev team, Bundetool allows up to 60 percent more app storage.

Archiving functionality

Both end users and app developers benefit from the functionality. End users gain storage space; developers are less likely to see their apps permanently uninstalled.

The new functionality will be available to developers in the App Bundles tool. Developers using the Gradle Plugin 7.3 receive archived APKs for this purpose. As mentioned before, archived APKs preserve user data until the app is fully restored.

The APKs are available through the Generated APKs API or the Play Console in the App Bundle Explorer. End users will have to wait a while longer. General availability follows later this year.

Tip: First developer preview of Android 13 offers security updates