2 min

Intel has tasked its primary researchers to work on creating quantum computing chips on a large scale.

Intel Corp is making waves in the technological sector. The primary research organization under Intel Corp, namely Intel Labs and Components Research, has partnered to work towards creating large-scale production of quantum computer processing chips.

What is a quantum computer?

Intel is already ahead in the race toward creating quantum computers. These computers are exponentially faster because they function on qubits rather than traditional bits. Qubits differ from traditional bits because they are not restricted to the state of 1 and 0. Qubits experience superposition, which allows qubits to be in both forms simultaneously.

The research towards these quantum chips is a milestone for Intel. These chips will be used in their existing transistors manufacturing process.

The future of quantum computers

The thing that sets apart the manufacturing process of quantum chips and traditional chips is the silicon wafer that Intel uses. The wafer is created with ‘spin qubits,’ which can only exist and remain stable at low temperatures. This is why most researchers have been creating one chip at a time. Intel has found a way to produce these chips on a larger scale by incorporating them into their existing transistors. The Director of Quantum Hardware, Mr. James Clarke, has said that this process will offer a yield rate of 95%.

Upon being asked about the future of the research, James Clarke stated, “in the future, we will continue to improve the quality of these devices and develop larger scale systems, with these steps serving as building blocks to help us advance quickly.” 

Quantum computing is the future, and this leap taken by Intel can be the future of how we deal with computing processes.