Password manager 1Password has announced that 1Password’s mobile apps and web extensions now include support for Passkeys. This makes it even easier and more secure for users to log into websites that support it.
The end of the password is drawing ever closer as Passkeys become more widely available. Today, one of the largest password managers announced that Passkeys will be supported in its mobile apps and browser extensions. 1Password had been testing support for Passkeys in beta for some time but has now made the support available to all users.
With Passkeys, users no longer have to invent or enter a password. Instead, you enter your e-mail address and press the Passkeys button linked to your password manager. The password manager, in turn, is connected to a two-factor authentication system on a device. This could be biometric, for example, Windows Hello on your laptop or a facial or fingerprint scanner on your smartphone. If those are unavailable, the system falls back on a PIN within your password manager or by e-mail.
Ultimately, authentication takes place on a device, eliminating the need for a password. Once that authentication is complete, hashes are exchanged with the website, and you are logged in. It is a very secure method that is also linked to the domain name of the website. This makes phishing campaigns much less likely to succeed because your password manager will reply that no account is available for the phishing websites domain.
Learn more about Passkeys: What are Passkeys? Removing the human element from authentication
1Password offers Passkeys on Android, iOS and the web
Through 1Password’s password manager, you can now log in to websites that support Passkeys. Support for Passkeys is integrated into 1Password’s Android and iOS apps and browser extensions for all major browsers on Window, Mac and Linux.
1Password requires one master password to access the password manager. This is already linkable to Windows Hello or your fingerprint, but not yet replaceable with a Passkey. However, this should become possible in the future. 1Password is still working on that.
Passkeys is a collaboration between Apple, Google and Microsoft, among others. As a result, support is widespread and many major websites already support Passkeys. Eventually, Passkeys will replace the old-fashioned password.