2 min Security

1Password helps developers implement passkeys

1Password helps developers implement passkeys

1Password will actively help developers determine whether their applications’ end users can already switch to passkeys. To this end, the authentication specialist is making the Passkey Ready tool available via its Passage platform.

Passkeys are increasingly becoming the standard authentication method for device, application and website access. Instead of using traditional passwords, users can log in easily, securely, and quickly via biometric identification. The passkey is stored by default on the device used in this process.

Although this new authentication method has many advantages, 1Password points out that not all end users are ready yet. The authentication specialist will, therefore, help developers determine whether their end users are truly ready so that the latter will not face any surprises when passkeys are actually implemented.

Passkey Readiness Tool

To determine eligibility, 1Password has introduced the Passkey Ready tool. The service helps implement a passwordless login flow with specific information before fully switching to passkeys.

The tool is available for free, and developers can sign up with 1Password to help implement passkey authentication into their workflows.

The tool can be integrated into applications or websites to streamline the entire migration process. This allows end users, as well as providers, to quickly take advantage of the opportunities passkeys offer, such as improved security, a better user experience, and, of course, potentially more conversions.

How it works

More specifically, through the 1Password Passkey platform, developers can place a piece of code on their website or add it to their application. When someone visits the website or uses the application, the tool collects anonymized data from 100 different data points. These include data about the device and browser used.

This data is used to determine whether visitors can use passkeys. Each logged device is counted as a single visitor, providing accurate and unique data collection.

Een screenshot van een Passkey Ready-rapport, naadloos geïntegreerd met 1Password, toont de algehele gereedheid voor de wachtwoordsleutel en de gereedheid ervan in de loop van de tijd met een lijngrafiek. De algehele gereedheid bedraagt 97% op een totaal van 1.306.305 bezoekers.

From the collected data, the tool distills an overview that developers can read in a dashboard in the Passage console. This contains more detailed insights on overall passkey suitability, suitability during a given time period, suitability by platform, and suitability by geographic location.

Also read: 1Password integrates passkey functionality into browsers