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Swiss manufacturer Schlatter Industries recovered from cyber attack after 10 days

Swiss manufacturer Schlatter Industries recovered from cyber attack after 10 days

Update, Laura Herijgers, 20/08, 09:20 am: Schlatter Industries has been fully operational again since Monday. The Swiss company fell victim to a cyber attack on August 9 and has only been able to work with a limited computer network since then.

The company is already preparing the market for significantly lower annual results than last year. This is partly due to the necessary postponement of projects in the welding department.

Details about the investigation into the attack have not (yet) been shared.

Original, 13/08, 10:57 am: Schlatter Industries of Switzerland has been hit by a ransomware attack. The industrial manufacturer is taking measures and investigating whether any data was stolen in the attack.

In a statement, the Swiss manufacturer states that last Friday the company was hit by a cyber attack. This allegedly involved the deployment of malware, after which the hackers attempted to extort the company. This suggests that the company was hit by a ransomware attack, although it does not explicitly state that is the case.

More disclosure about the cyberattack, such as the method of attack used, is not given.

Action by experts

Security teams within Schlatter Industries are now working with outside experts to mitigate the damage. They are also investigating whether data was stolen. In addition, Swiss authorities have been informed of the attack. Who is behind the attack is not known.

Possible financial motive

Schlatter Industries makes welding and weaving machines and steel wire applications for industrial applications. These are not strategic products, according to experts, so a politically targeted attack by a foreign power is unlikely. According to them, the ransomware attack only has a financial motive.

Also read: Ransomware victims recover data for free due to hacker bugs