2 min Security

Barracuda adds new features to Managed Workplace

Barracuda adds new features to Managed Workplace

Barracuda’s latest version of Managed Workplace offers users improvement in software deployment, as well as better patch management and smoother software updates. Also, there is now a monitoring-function of backup processes with Barracuda Intronis Backup.

Barracuda’s RMM (Remote Monitoring & Management) platform will be equipped with a number of advanced software management features in the new version. Providers of Barracuda’s services can therefore offer better patch and software update management services to customers.

The new features of Managed Workplace include faster and easier identification of outdated software in customer networks. Since outdated software creates security risks, this identification reduces these risks. In addition, users can download and test software updates and/or patches as soon as they are available. It is also possible to schedule these updates at times that are more in line with companies’ schedules.

Better monitoring on multiple levels

Another new feature is that reports can be requested on the success of software updates and patches. These reports also indicate whether the software is up-to-date or not, and IT teams can take immediate action from the information in the reports.

Barracuda Intornis Backup is now also integrated in Managed Workplace. This makes it possible to monitor backups, with policy rules as a guideline if required. Barracuda states that the combination of monitoring of backups and software leads to protection for customers on multiple levels. This increases the overall level of security within an organization.

Alain Luxembourg, regional director Benelux for Barracuda, says that the functions in Managed Workplace summarise the company’s objectives. They provide better security and data protection for the company’s MSP partners. These partners can now offer more advanced Barracuda services to secure thousands of software solutions from over 100 vendors.