2 min Security

New security portal from Juniper simplifies the step to SASE

New security portal from Juniper simplifies the step to SASE

Juniper has released Security Director Cloud. This is a portal to help enterprises extend their existing security efforts to SASE.

With Security Director Cloud, companies can roll out their connectivity and services to different locations, users and applications. A special feature of the software is that existing customer security policies can be automatically imported. When companies then switch to SASE, these policies do not have to be re-created.

Policies automatically imported

“The customer can go ahead and register, and it will automatically import all of their policies, and they don’t have to do anything,” Samantha Madrid, VP Product Management, Security Business & Strategy at Juniper, explained to ZDNet. “They don’t have to rewrite anything, they can decide whether they want to import all or just some. It’s entirely up to them, and it’ll remain in constant sync.”

Challenges with moving to SASE

SASE is rapidly gaining in popularity as more and more companies abandon the idea of using a single central data centre and instead move to a large number of smaller edge locations around the world. In doing so, the services are physically positioned closer to the customers and employees.

However, the step from a monolithic to a decentralised architecture is more than just a press of a button. An important process that must be completed in this regard is the transfer of the old security policies. Juniper wants to simplify this process with Security Director Cloud. With this platform, customers can implement general policies on both traditional security platforms and security platforms that run in the cloud.

“We’re giving customers not only the ability to bridge their existing with their future transformations, we’re giving them integrated security orchestration and integrated insights into the overall risk posture”, said Madrid.

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