2 min Security

‘Cyberattacks are developed more quickly, damage is rising’

‘Cyberattacks are developed more quickly, damage is rising’

The development cycle and damage of cyberattacks is ramping up. This is concluded by Fortinet in a security analysis of the second half of 2021.

The research shows that hackers are developing attacks at an increasing pace. The damage of attacks is growing along.

An important example of the increasing speed is the enormous number of Log4j attacks launched after the vulnerability became known. Abuse attempts of Log4j were among the most detected incidents by intruder prevention systems (IPS) in the second half of 2021. Log4j exploits were found up to fifty times more often than open-source exploits in early 2021.

More attacks on Linux

Fortinet also observed an increasing target on systems that are traditionally malware-free, such as Linux. In the fourth quarter of 2021, Linux malware detections quadrupled.

In addition, botnets are becoming more sophisticated. Traditional botnets are used for DDoS attacks. Today, they provide multifunctional attack platforms with various advanced techniques, including ransomware.

Furthermore, cyberattacks are increasingly targeting remote workers. An analysis of malware variants by region indicates a continued interest in exploiting home and remote environments. Attackers frequently used browser-based malware as browser scripts for phishing and code injections.


The experts note that the damage of cyberattacks is growing. Ransomware remains prevalent. Wipers, which erase all data, grew in numbers. Lastly, ransomware-as-a-service models are on the rise.