Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) consistently provides solutions to prevent critical business-sensitive data from cyber threats before they reach their employees and react promptly when things go wrong. ATP also provides, detects, and notifies you of advanced threats via email, mobile, social, and desktop.
The primary purpose of Advanced Threat Protection is to provide security against new attacks that are precisely developed to go further with standard security solutions. As a vital component of any modern and comprehensive network security infrastructure, Advanced Threat Protection is in demand more than ever as the cyber threat landscape and attack areas have grown in size for businesses worldwide for the last decade.
Ways to recognize and dispose of malicious emails
- The sender’s address is incorrect – Legitimate companies usually call you by your first name.
- The sender does not know the recipient – Legitimate companies do not request your sensitive information via email.
- Embedded links have weird URLs – Legitimate companies do not force you to their website.
- Language, spelling, and grammar are 0! – Legitimate companies know how to write.
- Content is inappropriate – Legitimate companies do not send unwanted attachments.
Why do businesses need Advanced Threat Protection?
Data Awareness
Having a deep understanding of the value of data can determine the level of threat.
Early detection of threats: Detection of dangerous network activity, such as malware or phishing attacks, is crucial to prevent target-sensitive data corruption and loss. Advanced Threat Protection solutions provide exceptional cyber threat protection.
Increasing threat from ransomware
Ransomware attacks have risen dramatically in recent years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a significant increase in the vulnerabilities of many organizations, with staff working from home and often using personal devices.
Phishing attacks are on the rise
Phishing is so successful today because users experience continuous information consumption through their received email, making them less wary of detecting phishing attacks. Cybercriminals also use user information through social media to create custom and more authentic email templates.
Real-time visibility
With real-time visibility, you can track threats to stay up to date – the more real-time information you have, the better. ATP solutions prevent potential threats with real-time visibility.
Automatic protection
Advanced Threat Protection solutions include mechanical one-click remediation measures to stop attacks before they can damage systems or steal data. To protect data, automatic protection needs to respond quickly to block threats.
Quick response
Provides fast and detailed follow-up to each attack to analyze what happened, notify relative stakeholders, and establish protection to prevent future attacks using the same surface or attack vectors. Security solutions offer security teams to correlate alerts for conditional access.
Warning context
It allows you to prioritize threats appropriately. Security incidents from a complex malware advanced threat can gain access to any data center by performing sophisticated attacks.
3 Main Components of ATP security
Email Security
Email Security describes techniques and functions designed to keep sensitive email communication secure, preventing unauthorized access, loss, or compromise. A wide array of cloud-based services offer email security protection (and especially for Office 365).
Using email security can secure your company by:
- Stop malware attacks, malicious URLs, and armed attachments
- Identify suspicious user behavior
- Controlling access to the device
- Increase protection against spam and phishing
- Protect yourself from zero-day threats
- Real-time threat protection
- The confidentiality of email communication is preserved
Endpoint Detection Response Capabilities
Endpoint Detection (EDR) records and stores system-level endpoint behaviors, detect suspicious system behavior, provides contextual information, blocks malicious activity, and makes remedial suggestions for restoring affected systems.
Patch Management
Ensuring that your workstations, laptops, and services are appropriately patched prevents an estimated 60% of successful attacks – Patch Manager distributes and applies software updates. It underscores the critical need to distribute, implement, and monitor software updates to your infrastructure.
ATP features
- Next-Generation Protection
- Threat and Vulnerability Management
- Management and APIs
- Automated Investigation and Remediation
- Attack Surface Reduction
- Endpoint Detection and Response
- Secure Score
- Microsoft Threat Protection
- Microsoft Threat Experts
We all understand that security from threats is paramount, but the problem is knowing where to focus the organization’s time, effort, and resources. We understand that the attacks by viruses and malware won’t stop and will grow in time. When prosperous, these attacks can drive several troubles for the company, from losing customer confidence to financial issues arising from business downtime and more.
Aside from basics like data encryption, frequent password changes and system updates, and more employee education, what are you able to do to shield your company inbox from malware, ransomware, or any kind of virus threats? Therefore, Advanced Threat Protection is a must for any company, as recommended by security professionals across the globe.
This is a contribution by Hornetsecurity.