Bloomberg has discovered that Amazon has vacancies open to come up with its own AI search functions aided by a chatbot. Amazon refers to a “once-in-a-generation” transformation of how users interact with its webstore.
In the process, Amazon is the next tech giant with a desire of tinkering with search functions aided by artificial intelligence. Following the hype surrounding ChatGPT, Microsoft went to work on Bing Chat, finally putting pressure on Google’s dominance in the search engine market. Soon the latter company arrived with Project Magi, which at its own Google I/O spoke of “the new Google Search experience.”
The parallel with Google goes even further. As with Google Bard, Amazon in this follows the trend set by OpenAI and Microsoft. The shop features of the new Google Search also have more chat traits, where customers can refine their search by corresponding back and forth with the application.
How fast is Amazon?
Since the AI hype seems to know no end at the moment, it is obvious that Amazon would want to add chat features to its core offerings as well. Still, we can hope that the somewhat slower adoption also has its advantages. Amazon’s powerful place in the web store market is highly unlikely to come under pressure in the short term. As lucrative as generative AI will be, it may take some time for users to fully appreciate its usefulness. Last year, the Amazon store had 25 percent market share of all online sales. In other words, a dominant spot that won’t be lost easily.
Amazon talks about a transformation of Search, just as the Mosaic browser helped democratize Internet use in the 1990s. ” You don’t want to miss this opportunity,” the job posting shouts. History teaches us that the first innovators in such an area will not necessarily maintain market dominance. The rights to Mosaic were bought up by Microsoft just a few years after the browser’s heyday, when Netscape Navigator had already become the new market leader.
In short, Amazon will be able to count on quite a bit of capital, name recognition and universal affiliate links before AI search dominates the world, despite the time constraints it feels it may be under.