1 min

Hugging Face recently introduced its open-source Hugging Chat Assistants that allow users to build and customize their own AI chatbots. This is intended to be an alternative to OpenAI’s GPT Store.

According to the AI provider, Hugging Chat Assistants allows users to create an AI chatbot in just two clicks. This includes custom names, avatars and system prompts. So mentions Hugging Face in a post on X.

Competition with GPT Store

In addition to creating AI chatbots themselves, users will also have access to a library of AI chatbots offered by third parties. This, along with Hugging Chat Assistant, should give competition to OpenAI’s GPT Store.

The latter environment also allows users to build their own GPT-based AI chatbots and tools and make them available to third parties in a specialized store. This is, however, not free of charge.

The Hugging Chat Assistants are open-source and thus free. This will result in less functionality as the AI chatbots that users develop themselves lack (Web) search or Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) support.

Also read: OpenAI launches GPT Store and new subscription for small businesses