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Kasten by Veeam joins AWS’ new Marketplace for containers

Kasten by Veeam joins AWS’ new Marketplace for containers

Kasten K10 joins Amazon’s new ‘Marketplace for Containers Anywhere‘, strengthening the containerised backup solution as an option for Kubernetes environments managed through AWS.

Kasten by Veeam develops Kasten K10. The solution enables users to backup and restore Kubernetes apps. Kasten K10 is containerized, deploys in Kubernetes clusters and automatically recognizes the containerized applications and dependencies therein. Subsequent disaster recovery is manageable via a dashboard, Kubernetes APIs and REST APIs. Now, Kasten by Veeam announces that Kasten K10 is available on the AWS Marketplace for Containers Anywhere.

AWS Marketplace for Containers Anywhere

If the latter term means little to you, you are not alone. AWS introduced the Marketplace for Containers Anywhere very recently at AWS re:Invent 2021. The platform includes a selection of containerized third-party apps. The common denominator is compatibility with Amazon’s container services: Amazon Elastic Container Service, Elastic Kubernetes Service and EC2. Apps can be deployed directly from the marketplace into a Kubernetes cluster of choosing, hosted in AWS cloud environments or on-premises.

Support for on-premises is the differentiator. Sometimes it is necessary to mirror or migrate a Kubernetes cluster from the cloud to on-premises, for example for policy or latency reasons. Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) makes the latter possible for AWS customers. The problem is that containerized apps may be licensed based on deployment. Any deployment form adds cost and administrative burden. ECS takes care of the technical necessities of an on-premises deployment, but does not venture into the challenge of license management. The new AWS Marketplace for Containers Anywhere does. Containerized apps can be deployed in multiple forms without making the complexity of licensing unmanageable.

Kasten K10 is one of the latter apps. Its inclusion in the AWS Marketplace for Containers Anywhere makes the containerized backup solution a strong option for organizations managing their clusters and containers with AWS solutions.

Tip: Kasten by Veeam launches free curriculum for Kubernetes training