2 min Applications

WhatsApp introduces Cloud API for business use

WhatsApp introduces Cloud API for business use

WhatsApp introduced the WhatsApp Cloud API, a cloud-based API service. The API allows companies to more easily use the messaging platform to communicate with customers.

According to parent company Meta, the new WhatsApp platform is suitable for businesses of all sizes and helps them deploy WhatsApp for in-depth interactions with customers.

Dedicated overview dashboard

Specifically, the cloud-based API makes a custom dashboard available on top of WhatsApp. With this dashboard, companies can customize their WhatsApp experience and tailor it to their customers. It also allows them to greatly reduce their response time to customers.

In addition, the dashboard gives companies insight into WhatsApp accounts, limits and recent product news. Users have four tools at their disposal: insights, messages, templates and phone numbers.



The WhatsApp Cloud API is free for businesses for the first 1,000 incoming and outgoing messages per month. Businesses can scale up through different pricing plans, based on the number of conversations they have with customers per day.

The costs are between one cent and up to 20 cents per conversation. However, these amounts depend on whether conversations are initiated from within the company or from a customer and what business segment the company operates in.

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