AMD improved the performance of its Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) technology for graphics rendering in video games. The rewritten PRO Edition 22.Q3 OpenGL driver speeds up 2D and 3D processing in several applications. The driver is now available for AMD gaming GPUs.
AMD claims the new OpenGL driver delivers up to 79 percent more rendering performance in games that rely on the standard.
Although OpenGL is relatively old, the standard remains commonplace in some professional applications, game console emulators and videogames, including the PC version of Minecraft. This title achieved 79 percent more rendering performance during a test of the new PRO Edition 22.Q3 driver for AMD GPUs.
SolidWorks and Autodesk Maya
AMD’s tests further show that the driver improves the rendering performance of 3D design applications like SolidWorks and Autodesk. SolidWorks’ performance increased by 52 percent and 58 percent for 4K and 1080p resolutions, respectively. Autodesk Maya’s performance increased by 34 percent and 72 percent for 4K resolutions and standard resolution, respectively.
Certified GPUs
AMD has certified the new drier for various Radeon Pro workstation GPUs, including the AMD Radeon Pro W6800, W6600 and W6400. The driver was also certified for several mobile GPUs in laptops from HP, Lenovo, Dell and Panasonic. AMD did not disclose the precise performance improvements for these GPUs.