If you regularly edit videos and collaborate with other people on them with Dropbox, you’ll appreciate the company’s new function. It introduces time-based comments that do exactly what the name suggests.
Thanks to the time-based comments it is now possible for users to post a reaction to a certain moment of a video. This makes it easier to indicate exactly where you, as an editor of a video, would like a change to be made.
Time-based comments
The time-based comments continue to work in the same way as other Dropbox response functions. With an @-mention you can attract the attention of specific users. In this way you also make sure that the chance is much smaller that a requested change is not seen and therefore not picked up.
The new function has to work not only with video files, but also with audio files. Dropbox has also provided both media types with more detailed previews than was possible in the past. Dropbox states that you can browse through 1080p video files and immediately see a thumbnail preview. Audio files also show a full waveform preview when you look at them on the Dropbox site.
Time-based comments can currently be added to more than 30 different video and audio file types. So there is a good chance that you are working with a supported file type. The new feature should be available today on the web version and on the Dropbox iOS app. The goal is to get the function to Android quickly.
In principle, any user of Dropbox can submit time-based comments. However, this can only be done on files shared by paying Dropbox users.
This news article was automatically translated from Dutch to give Techzine.eu a head start. All news articles after September 1, 2019 are written in native English and NOT translated. All our background stories are written in native English as well. For more information read our launch article.