Lenovo announced upcoming AR glasses for enterprise use

Lenovo announced upcoming AR glasses for enterprise use

Lenovo seems to think that the real money is going to be made from bringing augmented reality to enterprises. CES kicked off today but Lenovo announced the soon-to-arrive enterprise AR glasses. They seem to be following in the footsteps of what’s been done at Epson and Microsoft.

The hardware company announced that the glasses will arrive sometime in the middle of this year. They have not yet said anything about pricing, but that is not surprising, seeing as this is an enterprise-only device.

The headset comes with a 1080p resolution and is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon XR1 chip. It is also fitted with fish-eye cameras that track motion and an 8-megapixel RGB camera for remote video use.

Usage explained

The device’s design allows it to tether to a PC or a handful of Motorola phones (currently owned by Lenovo), via a USB-C.

The glasses announcement comes on the heels of an earlier announcement, heralding the ThinkReality 16 head-mounted display.

It will be used in scenarios like laboratories, factory floors, hospitality spaces, retail spaces. Apps on the Think Reality platform power remote assistance, 3D visuals, and guided workflows.

Enterprises, here comes Lenovo

Industrial workers can now have a light, scalable, and flexible pair of smart glasses that will increase productivity, assure safety, and reduce errors. During daily tasks, it is easy to get repetitive and errors may arise from that. These glasses will be a godsend for most users,

Lenovo is convinced that the immediate future for AR, is in the enterprise space. The company has been working on AR in other spaces, which has involved making some consumer products like Star Wars Jedi Challenges headsets

For now, it seems like the Star Wars thing was a one-off. Enterprise use is the goal.