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Red Hat brings general release of OpenShift Serverless closer

Red Hat brings general release of OpenShift Serverless closer

Red Hat has recently added new functionality to the technical review of its OpenShift Serverless platform. This functionality should bring the general release of this open source serverless platform closer, according to tech website SDXCentral.

According to the tech website, Red Hat is in the process of further developing its OpenShift Serverless platform so that a general release can take place soon. At the moment, the serverless version of its open source enterprise Kubernetes application platform Red Hat OpenShift is only available as a technical preview. This technical preview was already part of last October’s 4.2 update of OpenShift.

Openshift Serverless and Knative

Red hat based its OpenShift serverless tool on the Knative project. This project should extend Kubernetes to a complete package of components for rolling out, running and managing serverless applications. The tool will allow administrators and developers to deploy and run serverless applications on any Kubernetes platform, regardless of vendor. This allows companies to avoid becoming dependent on a single vendor.

Furthermore, OpenShift Serverless makes it possible to scale up or down ‘on-the-fly’ and thus save a lot on operational costs.

Current updates

The now released update with more functionality uses 0.12 iterations for serving, eventing and the Knative command line interface (CLI). Furthermore, a number of changes have been added to simplify the use and integration with Kubernetes platform Red Hat Openshift.

SDXCentral says the technical version of Red Hat Openshift Serverless is therefore only slightly behind the most recent releases of Knative, which are being released at a fast pace.

First end-users

Red Hat says, according to the website, that the OpenShift Serverless platform has already been embraced by customers. It is mainly used by those customers who have on-premise environments with bare metal or virtualised infrastructure. Also, the tool would already be used in public cloud environments running in AWS or Microsoft Azure.