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SUSE updates Linux Enterprise Server 15 and Rancher

SUSE updates Linux Enterprise Server 15 and Rancher

The latest versions of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Rancher and Rancher Desktop are now available.

SUSE develops a Linux distribution and several container orchestration solutions. Both offerings have been updated. SUSE presented the news at SUSECON Digital, an annual conference.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLE) is a Linux distro for servers. The operating system (OS) is tailored to organizations using servers in multiple clouds and on-premises environments.

Although the distro is available standalone, support isn’t always included. Customers need so-called ‘Service packs’ (SP) to receive the most recent updates and long-term support. SUSE introduces a new service pack every year. The most recent version, SLE 15 SP4, is now available.

The backend of the OS now complies with Google SLSA, a security framework. Systems that meet the standard assure protection against supply chain vulnerabilities. In addition, the release supports a new GPU kernel-mode driver from Nvidia. Nvidia recently made the technology open-source. SUSE Enterprise Linux is one of the first Linux operating systems to support the driver, which improves system performance on most Nvidia GPUs.

Container orchestration

SUSE develops several solutions for managing containers and Kubernetes, also known as container orchestration. Among the solutions is Rancher Desktop. The tool allows users to host containers on a desktop, similar to Docker Desktop. Rancher Desktop 1.6 is now available. The release introduces ‘rdctl’, a new command-line tool that supports automation, troubleshooting and remote management.

Rancher Desktop is derived from SUSE Rancher, a full-fledged container orchestration platform. The platform helps deploy and manage containers across multiple clouds. Most major operating systems, clouds and hardware are supported. The latest version adds IBM Z to the list.

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