Platforms Box and Slack integrate more with each other

Platforms Box and Slack integrate more with each other

Box and Slack are introducing a series of new integrations with each other’s platforms to improve the user experience for businesses using both tools. Box AI integration, in particular, is an important part of the updates.

Businesses often use the Box and Slack platforms side by side. Further integrations between the platforms should, therefore, provide users with better experiences and capabilities. The most important update is that Box AI can now be accessed directly from Slack. Users can ask unlimited questions about files in Box directly from the collaboration tool and receive normal answers to them. Also, the AI assistant can help summarize or translate files.

Other updates to the integration between the two platforms include access to a tool that enables previews for PDFs, spreadsheets and other files directly from a Box folder in Slack. These previews receive changes made to Box files within seconds, so users always have the most up-to-date information. Access to this information is determined via permissions established in Box.

More new integrated features include enhanced Box for Slack workflows, which allow collaboration tool users to create no-code workflows with Box content for automating business processes. Admin authorizations have also been updated to streamline login and authorization procedures for the Box app in Slack.

Integration with Salesforce

Finally, a new feature has been introduced for customers using Box and Slack in conjunction with the Salesforce CRM platform. For these users, linking a set of Salesforce and Slack accounts to the same Box folders is now possible, making business data sharing easier.

All new integration capabilities are available immediately. Further Box AI capabilities in Slack, such as unlimited questioning, are only available to Box Enterprise Plus subscribers. All other integrations are available to all Box and Slack users. The integrations can be downloaded from the Box or Slack App Directory.

Tip: Slack adds generative AI to simplify collaboration