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VMware Tanzu Application Platform 1.1 is available

VMware Tanzu Application Platform 1.1 is available

Version 1.1 of the VMware Tanzu Application Platform is available. Container images no longer need to be developed within Tanzu for rapid deployments: dockerfiles are welcome as well.

VMware Tanzu is a portfolio of solutions for container development and Kubernetes management (K8). One of the solutions is Application Platform, a set of tools for developers. The platform allows the development, management and deployment of containers. Version 1.1 is now available.

Each container starts with a container image. The container image contains all the necessities for the execution of an application: code, runtime, libraries, and so on. The first version of the Application Platform came with ready-made templates to deploy container images in clusters, also known as supply chains. Not all container images were supported. Supply chains were only available for container images developed within the Application Platform. Version 1.1 introduces supply chains for container images from outside the platform. For instance, dockerfiles, the most popular form.

Secondly, Tanzu now offers insight into the status of container images deployed via supply chains. It has long been possible to check the steps of a deployment with a command-line interface. Now, a new interface offers a visual alternative, as shown below.


VMware Tanzu Application Platform

Third, the new version strengthens support for multi-cluster workloads. Workloads can now be run simultaneously in multiple clusters. This option makes it possible to increase the capacity of an application.

Finally, the solution has five new user roles. Application Platform works with Role-based Access Control (RBAC), a security measure for managing user access. The five new templates make it possible to restrict unnecessary rights. App-viewer’ restricts a user to read-only; ‘app-operator’ provides access to workflows and supply chains.