Fortinet updates network management advisor FortiAIOps

Fortinet updates network management advisor FortiAIOps

Fortinet launched an update for FortiAIOps, a management solution for networks comprised of Fortinet devices. The new version offers greater insight into SD-WANs and LANs.

FortiAIOps has been available since 2021. The solution analyzes a network, troubleshoots problems and advises on optimal hardware and software configurations.

The system generates advice based on machine learning, artificial intelligence and network device data. FortiAIOps exclusively supports networks consisting of Fortinet devices. Supported networks include both local area networks (LANs) and software-defined wide area networks (SD-WANs).

The solution was recently updated. FortiAIOps offers a number of new features for organizations that use the technology to manage Fortinet Secure SD-WAN, LANs and FortiExtender 5G/LTE gateways.

Fortinet Secure SD-WAN

FortiAIOps can now track system capacity and ISP (internet service provider) bandwidth in Fortinet Secure SD-WAN. Tracked data is incorporated into the advices generated by the solution. In addition, users of Fortinet Secure SD-WAN can use the new version to calculate a baseline service level agreement (SLA).


Fortinet develops several network appliances for LANs, including FortiSwitches and FortiAPs. Since its inception, has been able to predict network problems in LANs comprised of Fortinet devices.

The new version increases the accuracy with which FortiAIOps predicts network problems. In addition, the update makes it possible to calculate custom SLAs. Users have more choice in the metrics that FortiAIOps includes in calculations.

FortiExtender 5G/LTE gateways

Lastly, FortiExtender 5G/LTE gateways are now supported by FortAIOps. The solution is capable of suggesting gateway configurations and resolving device issues. Data from the gateways is tracked and used for advice at every network level, from LAN to WAN.

Tip: FortiEDR is more than EDR thanks to security fabric integration and pro-active monitoring