Everything there is to find on tag: Slack.
Google introduces its own version of Slack’s Huddles
Google Chat is launching a new feature for instant voice meetings. The company seems inspired by Slack's Hudd...
Everything there is to find on tag: Slack.
Google Chat is launching a new feature for instant voice meetings. The company seems inspired by Slack's Hudd...
Slack AI normally summarizes long conversations or helps users find information within meeting chats. However...
Box and Slack are introducing a series of new integrations with each other's platforms to improve the user ex...
The long-awaited AI update for Slack became available today. Slack AI should make it easier for employees to ...
Slack AI, Workflow Builder and Slack Lists aim to make daily collaboration activities easier. Slack alread...
At Google, they believe in separated and perfected applications that come together within a platform where yo...
Lucid Software has unveiled new APIs and a developer platform along with it. These innovations are already be...
Slack is about to roll out the application's biggest redesign ever to users. In doing so, it is opting for or...
The European Union is officially launching an investigation into Microsoft's antitrust practices. The tech gi...