After Linus Torvalds decided to take a temporary step back, Linux decided to introduce a code of conduct for its programmers. In doing so, the company is taking steps to prevent discussions from getting out of hand or getting too hot. However, there are also critics who disagree with this decision.
Last week, Linus Torvalds, one of the founders of Linux, reported that he was taking a temporary step back. He acknowledged that the operating system’s development environment was too hostile for many developers. That made him decide to try to change his behavior and apologize to people that I hurt with my behavior and might have chased away from the development of the kernel.
Do not offend
But it was not only Torvalds who sometimes got carried away by the heated discussions on the Linux Kernel Mailing List (LKML), but others did as well. For this reason, Linux has introduced a code of conduct for the first time. Previously there was a conflict code, which regulated how discussions could be held, but now there is a code of conduct.
It is quite simple and says that all developers will do their best to make the Linux community as conflict-free as possible. In doing so, no one should be personally attacked on matters such as age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sexual characteristics, gender identity and expression, experience, education, socioeconomic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
However, it is questionable whether this code of conduct will be enough. The environment in which developers work is known to be hard and unfriendly. So the real test will be whether the community will eventually go along with this idea, or whether there will be some form of resistance and whether the community will remain as it is.
This news article was automatically translated from Dutch to give a head start. All news articles after September 1, 2019 are written in native English and NOT translated. All our background stories are written in native English as well. For more information read our launch article.