Logitech announced a new headset in September. The Zone Vibe 100 is designed for hybrid work and comes at a suggested retail price of €120 (VAT included). According to Logitech, employees can comfortably use the model to call and videoconference for hours on end. Techzine took the headset to the test over the past few weeks. We reviewed the Zone Vibe 100 to determine whether the model lives up to expectations.
To give you an idea of its design, we’ll start off with the specifications. The microphone can be retracted when out of use. The model is equipped with Bluetooth and charges through USB-C. Aside from the charging cable, the Zone Vibe 100 is completely wireless. The headset lasts up to 20 hours on a full battery.
Logitech designed the model for employees that regularly videoconference and call from home. The manufacturer claims that the headset can be used comfortably for hours, produces clear voice audio and is easy to use.
In recent weeks, we tested the model to determine whether Logitech’s claims are true. Meanwhile, we can confidently say that the Zone Vibe 100 is a fair conferencing headset for its price range.
Using the Logitech Zone Vibe 100
The headset is set up in no time. A button on the side opens the model up to Bluetooth connections, after which the headset can be found on the Bluetooth interface of an external device. The headset remembers multiple devices, meaning employees can connect smartphones and private devices in addition to a work laptop.
Multipoint is supported, meaning the headset can connect to multiple devices at the same time. Connecting a private phone in addition to a corporate phone allows you to never miss a call.
The microphone quality is fine. Don’t expect studio-grade audio, which you won’t find anywhere in this price segment. The high tones are clear enough to be understood well during videoconferences and calls. One of the model’s biggest pros is its weight. 185 grams is extremely light for a headset of this size. The model is light enough to forget you’re wearing it. It’s worth noting that the microphone is equipped with noise cancellation. This, of course, benefits the quality.
The ear cushions are made of memory foam, a popular material for mattresses and bed pillows. As a result, the headset hardly puts any pressure on the head. During the announcement, Logitech claimed the model can be used for days without discomfort. That claim proved to be true.
If you’d like to adjust the headset’s default settings, you can. Logitech developed its Logi Tune software for this purpose. The app allows users to adjust several settings, including the equalizer (high/mid/low).
Furthermore, Logi Tune shows an overview of the devices connected to the headset. Users can also change the name of the headset (as presented in Bluetooth interfaces). Logi Sync, Logitech’s business device management software, is not supported. You’ll need a higher-end Zone Vibe model to use the software.
Sound quality versus comfort
Logitech isn’t the only manufacturer of comfortable headsets. Several competitors provide similar models, but the quality varies. The problem with comfortable headsets is that comfort can come at the expense of audio quality.
When a headset exerts too little pressure on the head, the ear cushions may not sufficiently press against the ears, which blocks sound waves from optimally reaching the ears. If the headphones exert too much pressure on the head, the sound waves arrive loud and clear, but the headset may start to feel uncomfortable after a given period of time.
The trick is a proper balance. Good headphones don’t require pressure to produce quality sound. Every component plays a role, from the speakers and ear cushions to the headband and drivers.
With the Zone Vibe 100, Logitech manages to achieve the right balance. The headband hardly pressures the head, but the ear cushions fit nevertheless. The sound is surprisingly warm for a headset in this price range. Like the microphone, the drivers don’t deliver studio quality, but the audio is good enough for music and movies.
Lastly, it’s worth noting that the Logitech Zone Vibe 100 does not apply active noise cancellation (ANC). The microphone features noise cancellation, but the headphones don’t.
The Zone Vibe 100 delivers on Logitech’s promises. The weight and fit are excellent for employees who conference and work from home for long periods of time. The suggested retail price of €120 is far from cheap. Navigating Logitech’s partner channel for a better deal is worth the effort.
A side benefit is that employees can use the headset after the workday. The audio quality is sufficient for music and movies. The model simultaneously connects to multiple devices and lasts up to 20 hours on a full battery.
Tip: Review: Sony WH-1000XM4, the best headphone is now even better