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Barely 1 in 3 cybersecurity experts get accurate and relevant threat data

Barely 1 in 3 cybersecurity experts get accurate and relevant threat data

The pandemic is in full swing, and cybercriminals are attacking everyone. They are taking every opportunity to challenge IT security pros, and it is working out for the hackers. IT pros need fresh, relevant, and precise data to analyze the threats presented to them.

In an environment that moves rapidly, getting accurate and relevant data as soon as possible can be the difference between getting your entire system brought to its knees or saving it from compromise.

However, getting the data needed to know how to react is the problem here. A new report by the Neustar International Security Council (NISC) shows that cybersecurity professionals usually make crucial calls based on inaccurate, old, and irrelevant information. 

The numbers don’t look good

In the report, 300 IT security pros were polled, and less than two thirds (60%) were able to get timely and useful information from their systems. Less than a third (29%) would say that their data is extremely accurate.

27% can use real-time data to make decisions. The report says that a third of businesses get attacked through domain spoofing and domain hacking attacks in the last 12 months.

System compromise and DDoS attacks were the prevalent forms of attack during the summer. They ranked on almost the same level as ransomware and IP theft.

The crime scene that keeps on giving

July and August 2020 saw ransomware, targeted hacking and DDoS increase. During this time, people working without company firewalls’ safety need to be cautious in securing their machines against known threats.

The best way to do this would be by using the most updated antiviruses, apps and ensuring that they do not leave any apparent gaps.

Meanwhile, IT pros struggle to get actionable information that can help them respond. Hopefully, they can make strides in this area and be more effective.

Tip: Cybercrime becomes more sophisticated: ‘we can’t continue like this.’